Invitation to Discipline
“As disciples of Jesus, we are called to a discipline that contends against evil and resists whatever leads us away from love of God and...
We Are Sent
“Jesus called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. He ordered them to take...
During this season of Advent, we share the Advent devotional Nearness from the ELCA World Hunger. For more information about the ELCA's...
During this season of Advent, we share the Advent devotional Nearness from the ELCA World Hunger. For more information about the ELCA's...
Learnings from: Once Upon a Time History Session August 18th, 2019
As part of the redevelopment process, we prepared a timeline of the church’s past and planned a session for members to share memories of...
Embracing Vocation
Risen Lord Lutheran Church exists in order to share God’s love through words and actions. In order to do that, we embrace the ministry to...
Forming Something New
On Monday night, the congregation council took a bold step into the future of leadership here at Risen Lord Lutheran Church. They voted...
Where God is doing new things.
As Pastor Lecia visits family, we offer Bishop Bill's reflections on prayer from the November Indiana-Kentucky Lutheran. Then Jesus...
Christmas, already?!?
For more years than she would care to admit, Pam Long has been coordinating Risen Lord's collection for the Lutheran Child and Family...
Centered in Christ
On Sunday, you heard about how David was anointed king and brought the Ark of the Covenant back into the center of Jerusalem. We...