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A Reflection from Pastor Wendy Kalan

Risen Lord

I am the Bread - living Bread! - who came down out of heaven. Anyone who eats this Bread will live - and forever! The Bread that I present to the world so that it can eat and live is myself, this flesh-and-blood self." John 6:51 (Message Translation)

I’ve been watching what I eat these days. True confession: during the days of lock-down and beyond, I sort of got into bad habits. Let’s just say things began to add up after a while.

I also got into another bad habit--feeding myself with too much time watching the news each morning and scrolling Facebook. Those things aren’t bad because it is good to stay informed in matters of the world and with friends and family. BUT…I spent less time in prayer and reflection.

The Lectionary (assigned Sunday readings) has us spending an awful lot of time in John 6—instruction Jesus gives us on what truly sustains us for life—eternal life. This isn’t life we are waiting to live AFTER we die. It’s life—a life in Christ—to be living NOW. If we aren’t “feasting” on Jesus, then what are we feasting on?

This isn’t just about going to worship on Sunday morning. It’s how we spend our time and how that informs what we do. It tells us a lot about our priorities. If there is a gnawing emotional or spiritual hunger in you that won’t go away, well then, that is something worth pondering and praying on. Think on this for yourself personally AND also as part of the congregation of Risen Lord.

In anticipation of ANOTHER week where Jesus talks about satisfying hunger and thirst, I invite you to reflect on how you spend your time and on whom or what. Are there places where you are getting sucked down a rabbit hole of negativity or anxiety? Are you simply overwhelmed at providing care to a loved one or overwhelmed with work or appointments? Where does your life in Christ—as one baptized into Him who makes a bold promise to satiate our hunger—fit into the whole picture? Furthermore, does a life in Christ have you hungering for hope and purpose beyond yourself?

+++ If something stirs up a feeling or an emotion for you that you’d like to process, send me an email or set up a visit. I’d love to hear what the Spirit stirs up in your heart.+++


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