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Acceptance Letter

Risen Lord

If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father,

and he will give you another Advocate, to be with you forever.

John 14:15-16

Dear Risen Lord friends,

What a privilege it has been to serve as your interim pastor since August 2021. So many changes have occurred in my short time: transitioning out of COVID restrictions; entering an intentional partnership with Tapestry Church to share our building; receiving 19 new members; adopting a bold and inclusive welcome statement; and growing a renewed spirit of fellowship.

More change is on the horizon, especially as Risen Lord discerns important decisions about the permanency of its building and ever-evolving ministry partnership with Tapestry Church (Disciples of Christ).

It is with a humble and hopeful heart that I accept the call to serve a three-year term call as your pastor beginning April 17, 2023.

Risen Lord has endured so much change and transition in its 25 years of ministry. What evolved out of the hard work of ministry redevelopment five years ago is the Risen Lord mission statement: As followers of Christ, we share God’s love through words and actions.

Jesus asks his followers to follow his commandments to love others and promised that he would be with us forever through the Advocate, the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit has guided this loving congregation through challenging times. Grounded in the love of Christ, let us continue to faithfully listen and follow Him together into the future God is unfolding. Christ has given us everything we need.

Your fellow Christ follower,

Pastor Wendy Kalan


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