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Press on

Pastor Wendy Kalan

"…this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13b-14.


During October, our theme in worship is “Letters,” specifically reflecting upon the Apostle Paul’s letters to the Early Church. This week and next, we read portions of his letter to the Philippians.

Paul writes this letter of encouragement from prison. No matter what his fate is, he remains faithful to the good news and hopeful in God’s future that Jesus revealed to all through his life, death and resurrection.

This week, I invite you into a spiritual practice. Write a letter of encouragement to someone who may be feeling confined, whether by health or imprisonment or emotional duress.

I’m also inviting you to write a letter on behalf of Risen Lord to a homebound member. This Sunday, Dayna Zook will have addressed and stamped envelopes along with a blank card for each of those members. You can write to remind them that we at Risen Lord care about them and miss seeing them. Remind them God loves them!


This Sunday, October 8th, Deacon Marilyn Smith will be leading worship while I am visiting family in Chicago. I will be cheering my nephew and godson Ryan on as he runs the Chicago Marathon. Even though Ryan is autistic (non-verbal), he tries to help his dad take care of his mom (my sister Susan) who is in the latter stages of Huntington’s disease.

His dad discovered Ryan had a gift for running long distance when he was in high school. Since then, Ryan runs almost daily. This Sunday, he hopes to qualify for Boston. I’m always amazed at Ryan who approaches every day, every race and every task with a mindset toward the goal, ready for what is next.

I often wonder what it would be like if people approached faith in God’s call to us the way Ryan approaches life.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Wendy Kalan


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