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Risen Lord

Weekly News for 9/15/20

Dear people gathered as Risen Lord Lutheran Church,

We are grateful that we could gather together for worship this Sunday. While we know that the church was never closed, it was good to be together to praise God, to hear God’s word and to share the Holy Supper. We were even blessed with a beautiful morning to be outside! Many thanks to those who helped make our time together happen.

We look forward to gathering together again. The Leadership Team continues to monitor the public health situation to assess our ability to gather. The three criteria for gathering include decreasing cases in Johnson County, an infection rate less than 0.9 and fewer than 10 new cases (on average) per day. We will decide by Wednesday for the following Sunday so that there is time to prepare. You can read the full plan at

Staying attuned to the spread of Covid-19 in our community and adjusting our actions is one way that we continue to care for our neighbors. We know that our actions affect much more than ourselves and our care for others is part of our witness to God’s boundless love.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Lecia or the Leadership Team. If you would like to help with set up or clean up on a Sunday, please contact Melissa Day (text 317-966-1215 or email

In the abiding hope of the Risen Lord,

Pastor Lecia


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