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November 10, 2020


Dear people of Risen Lord Lutheran Church,


After much prayerful reflection and trusting in the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I have decided to resign as pastor/redeveloper of Risen Lord Lutheran Church as of December 31, 2020.


When I was called to serve among you as pastor almost three years ago, we embarked together on a journey of revitalization. We were charged to begin with rooting ourselves more deeply in God’s story. We studied the Bible together, had the children help tell Bible stories in worship and one even climb into my arms while preaching. I am grateful for our time hearing the Word together.


We formed relationships with one another. We joined Journey groups, played board games together and roasted marshmallows all so we could have space to share our lives. We mourned with each other and rejoiced with each other. I am grateful for your invitation into life together.


We worshiped together and we prayed together. We explored different ways of worship with Advent prayer services, creating a beautiful Christmas star and our online contemplative worship. We have prayed together countless times, sharing our concerns for ourselves, each other and the world. I am grateful for your prayers.


I have been privileged to serve as your pastor during this time and have been blessed by my time among you. I believe that my call here has come to a close, that I am not the one called to lead you into the next chapter. I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to lead this congregation so that you may reflect Christ’s love in all you do. As you discern your future paths, may you trust in the promise of resurrection, knowing that God is at work, doing a new thing and bringing new life among you.


Bishop Bill Gafkjen will meet with the Leadership Team to discuss next steps and help make plans for pastoral care during this time of transition. Just as the synod staff have walked with us through my time here, I know that they will continue to offer support, guidance and prayers as you discern future directions. Congregational President Carol Retz, as well as the rest of the Leadership Team, is available for questions and concerns during this process. We will plan a time to say farewell on December 20. More information will follow in the weekly newsletter.


In the abiding hope of the Risen Lord,

Pastor Lecia




Leadership Team


Carol Retz, President

John Schilling, Treasurer

Dayna Zook, Secretary

Melissa Day, Facilities Ministry Leader

Fred Freeman, Outreach Ministry Leader

Cara Ruble, Faith Formation Ministry Leader

Connie Temm, Hospitality Ministry Leader



For Leadership Team contact information, please contact

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